EOSC 114 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cochlea

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Chapter 6 part 1: describe the human eyes and how their properties influence vision, the pupil, light enters through the pupil, its size changes in response to changes in illumination, sensitivity: the ability to see when light is dim, acuity: the ability to see details, low light: pupils dilate, decrease acuity and depth of focus, high light: pupils constrict, increase in acuity and depth of focus, focuses light on the retina, the ciliary muscles alter the shape of the lens as needed in order to focus the light, a multi layered sensory tissue that lines the back of the eye, the lens, the retina, fovea, high acuity area at center of the retina, describe the structure of the human retina, and explain how the structure of the retina influences vision, the retina geniculate striate system is retinotopic, with signals from each retina arriving in both ipsilateral and contralateral cortices.