NURS 3122 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chest Physiotherapy, Emergency Department, Human Nose

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Acute bronchitis, inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, rarely occurs in childhood as an isolated problem. The bronchi can be affected simultaneously with adjacent respiratory structures during a respiratory illness. Bronchitis occurs most commonly in winter months. the classic symptom of bronchitis is a dry, hacking cough, which increases in severity at night. The cough may or may not be productive. The child may swallow sputum and vomit as a result. The chest and ribs may be painful because of the deep and frequent coughing. Over several days breath sounds may become coarse with fine crackles, and some scattered high-pitched wheezing may be heard. Treatment is palliative unless the child develops a fever and a secondary bacterial infection which requires antibiotic therapy. Nursing management includes supporting respiratory function through rest, humidification, hydration, and symptomatic treatment. Home care should emphasize the self-limiting nature of the disorder.