NURS 3112- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Family planning using a contraceptive method is an important component of women"s health. Worldwide, women who are able to use contraception and plan the number of pregnancies they have, as well as the interval between those pregnancies, benefit in several ways (guttmacher. Institute, 2002): they enjoy improved health and a lower incidence of sexually transmitted infections, including. Most of the causes of maternal mortality are treatable or preventable with adequate health care, including contraceptive services. Thus, it is essential that maternal healthcare services improve if maternal mortality and morbidity are to be reduced. Up to 150,000 maternal deaths per year could be avoided if contraception was available and used by women who did not desire children. The basal body temperature (bbt) method is incorporated into the symptothermal method and provides an objective record of fertile days. The bbt method is used to detect ovulation by temperature changes during the menstrual cycle.