NURS 3104 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Atrial Tachycardia, Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block, Ventricular Tachycardia

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A premature junctional complex is an impulse that starts in the av nodal area before the next normal sinus impulse reaches the av node. Premature junctional complexes are less common than pacs. Causes of premature junctional complex include digitalis toxicity, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease. The p wave may be absent, may follow the qrs,or may occur before the qrs but with a. Junctional or idionodal rhythm occurs when the av node, instead of the sinus node, becomes the pacemaker of the heart. When the sinus node slows (e. g. ,from increased vagal tone) or when the impulse cannot be conducted through the av node (e. g. , because of complete heart block), the av node automatically discharges an impulse. The following are the ecg criteria for junctional rhythm not caused by complete heart block : Ventricular and atrial rate: ventricular rate 40 to 60;atrial rate also 40 to 60 if p waves are discernible.