MGMT 2130 Study Guide - Final Guide: John Kotter, Fiedler Contingency Model, Absenteeism

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Question breakdown: 30 mc worth 15 marks, 4 short answers worth 15 marks, case study worth 30 total marks, pesti worth 12 marks, short answer worth 18 marks, non-cumulative, chapters 6, 8, 9, 11, 12. Information distortion changes in the meaning of a message as the message passes through a series of senders and receivers. Information overload a superabundance of information that increases the likelihood that important information is ignored or overlooked, and that tangential information receives attention. Information richness the amount of information that a communication medium can carry and the extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding. Herzberg proposed that motivator needs must be met in order for motivation and job satisfaction to be high. This theory is also known as the two- factor theory. Inputs anything an individual contributes towards their organization.