HPED 3010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hypermasculinity, Heterosexuality, Heteronormativity

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What to study: concentrate on key terms, concepts, and theories from the slides and the textbook. Key terms: sociological imagination, sex, gender, sex testing, biological determinism, hyper-femininity, hyper-masculinity, heteronormativity, gender equality, gender equity: sociological imagination the application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions. Humans do not fit neatly into the man/woman binary: biological determinism - the common sense argument that human social behaviours (gender) Sex testing mostly serves to identify athletes who are intersex can be explained as a product of human biology (sex) It is reductionist, it reduces our ideas about sex and gender to overly simplistic binary categories. Sports are traditionally seen as a male preserve. Performance of dominant sporting masculinity is most often rewarded. Sports are also traditionally seen as a heterosexual male reserve. Alienates, marginalizes, and discriminates against non-heterosexual athletes and those who don"t perform masculinity in acceptable ways.