HPED 2520 Study Guide - Final Guide: Puberty, Drug Test

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Office phone 403 440 6497 email jjarrell@mtroyal. ca: explain puberty and why this is important to coaches of young athletes. Puberty is the process of extreme hormone and physical growth from child to adult. Tactics are the actions or methods employed to reach a goal. Technique are the style or form which a person uses to implement those actions or methods: explain the concept and diagram shown in the part b manual regarding the challenge zone in coaching athletes in sports. Overload when athletes over train and experience fatigue during the season. Progression when athletes develop their skills and progress with their overall development. Recovery when athletes rest to usually stop fatigue, product of overloading: training programs are usually divided into three main periods or phases. Name, define and explain the timing of each of these phases or periods in a sports program as well as the activities that should be conducted within each phase.