WOMENST 2B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pastoral Epistles, Christian Headcovering, Pater Familias

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Elizabeth cady stanton edited the woman"s bible commentary in 1895. And should we have a course on men in the bible? (cid:0) reflect on this for exam. What does it say that we have a course on women in the bible. We"re bringing forth figures in the bible that have often been absent from discussion. How is the bible used in your own church or synagogue. Persian empire: 538-333 bce 250 years. Greek empire from 333-63 bce 270 years. Roman empire from 63 bce to the nt. Diaspora scattering of jews due to the differing empires. Endogamy ezra and nehemiah jewish people are the holy seed and other foreign people are sinful and impure. God-fearing man, got blind, had a son named tobias - israelite. Tobit was not able to work because he was blind so anna had to do the work in the house as well as earn money for the family.