SOCWORK 1A06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Constructionism, Neoliberalism, Intersectionality

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Social context: individual"s physical and social surroundings; no neutral spaces. Term that describes ways, impact of countries, people interacting and integrating. The role of the state is to create and preserve an institutional framework appropriate to such practices . (harvey 2005, p. 2) Stretches into every aspect of society; characterized by strong property rights and little to no government intervention of the free markets and trade. Set of policies to achieve control over a minority group/culture. Structural discrimination: systemic racism is an example; ways that it"s embedded within the fabric of social institutions. Men are privileged in society just because they are male. Community development efforts tend to be influenced by the prevailing political-economic context. Social context unconsciously influences how we help people. If we"re not careful, we recreate systems of oppression. The social context intersects with the various models of help which impacts those defined as needing help based on their identity.