SOCWORK 1A06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Paternalism, Neoliberalism, Leilani Muir

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Globalization: integration of social systems including economic, political and cultural aspects. Neoliberalism: belief that free markets with little government regulation is helpful. Colonialism: policies that achieve control over a minority group or culture. Discrimination: unfair treatment based on attitudes or beliefs. Patriarchy: power imbalance between men and women. Institutionalization: the process of embedding something as the norm into culture. Paternalism: actions/policies enacted by those in positions of authority over others. Discourse: language used to reinforce attitudes/beliefs that construct the world around us. Social justice: elimination of institutionalized domination and oppression beyond equitable distributions of goods and opportunities. Social problem: a significant societal condition that is considered undesirable and rectifiable. Efforts tend to be influenced by prevailing political and economical context of the time (ex. Donald trump able to sign abortion legislation even though he is a man because the reigning patriarchy allows him to advance control over women"s bodies) Our understanding of the world is shaped through interactions with others.