SOCPSY 1Z03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Group Cohesiveness, Egotism, Observational Learning

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Test 2: topics discussed from october 19 - november 23. Lecture slides october 19, 24 and 26, 2018 *here forward is test 2 information. Attitudes are evaluations of people, places, things, behaviours, ideas, etc. Interested in how social forces affect individuals attitudes how these attitudes in turn relate to behaviour. Affect interaction or relations with others (attitudes are changeable) Created based on meaning, construction and/or definitional processes, rooted in interaction with other social actors. Our attitudes can be both positive and negative. Opinion: how we think; opinion polls such us how we think about social issues, etc. Refers to knowledge structures associated with the attitude object. Often we cant prove a particular belief true or false. Can range from positive to negative, and weak to strong in intensity. People holding specific attitudes are inclined to behave in certain ways that are consistent with that attitude. Attitudes are developed through socialization processes including. Observational learning and imitation (ex. bobo fall experiment)