SOCPSY 1Z03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Symbolic Interactionism, Observational Techniques, Human Nature

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Rely on lab experimental methodology but increasingly starting to use questionnaires an. Hardly rely on things other than the lab. Primary concern: how social stimuli affects an individuals behavior and internal states. Topics emphasized: self, social perception and attribution, attitudes aggression etc. Sociologists who study social psychology (3 faces of social psychology) - james hous. Human nature and social order are products of communication. Situated identity: everyone in the situation must know who they are in the situation others are. We try to imagine how others see us so we know how to see ours. Role taking: we imagine ourselves in another persons role, including how we look fr else"s viewpoint. Reflexive self: ability to take the role of subject and object. We act toward things on basis of their meanings es and surveys. House ation and who ourselves k from someone. We act toward things on basis of their meanings. Meanings are not inherit but negotiated in interaction.