SOCIOL 3A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ego Ideal, Oceanic Feeling, Death Drive

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Civilization and its discontents- november 29th: the main theme antagonism between the demands of instinct and the restrictions of civilization. Overview of group psychology and the analysis of the ego. Dual-instinct theory: not eros and instinct, but eros and death, not everything is driven by pleasure. Eros is binding of people together, life producing life, the force of construction. Opposite force, a dark force: built-in death drive, that manifests itself in aggression. This book was his main work in social psychology. Chapter 4: suggestion and libido: what holds groups together/coheres them? (durkheim said social solidarity, freud says love eros, the suggestibility is the suggestibility through love. 2 groups that are not crowds (that are more structured and have more definition and that we find everywhere) artificial groups: 1. The leadership is very important, because the discipline of the army, and the discipline of the church are all dependent on the leadership.