SOCIOL 2HH3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Matrilocal Residence, Moral Majority

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Chapter 6: the gendered family: in the 1980s and 1990s, some north americans believed that the family was in crisis falling apart because of divorce, teen pregnancy, single parenthood, latchkey children, and the gay-rights movement. The so-called moral majority of the us and real women of. Canada were responses to this crisis. 1 real women, and other social conservatives in. Canada and the us, uphold what they call the traditional nuclear family. Nevertheless, discussions of: the so-called traditional family often ignore the many changes in this basic institution over the course of human history. What we call traditional may in fact be a very recent construction. Canadian families have changed dramatically over the course of our history and continue to adapt to changing circumstances. Nuclear families were important everywhere, as they were to europeans. The sexual contract varied widely among aboriginal groups, and some granted men greater status.