SOCIOL 2CC3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Stigma, Erving Goffman, Visible Minority

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Final exam review constructing deviance will be out of 90 / 35 multiple choice / 25 true/false / answer 3 of 6 short answer (each worth. Individuals attempt to pass as normal by concealing/not disclosing their difference/deviance: e. g. exps of early lgbt inds, state of being discreditable more complex then discredited: Lgb and stigma management: 2 ways of managing potentially discrediting info about sexuality, 1. Come out - disclose sexual id to others: 2. remain closeted - conceal sexual id from others, nature of managing homosexual identity - i. e. , to disclose or conceal, managment of homosexual id never simple or straightforward. Individual may be out in some situations, but not others this shaped by # factors context, time, who is present: vary in degree of being out or closeted all or part of the time. Individual must regularly monitor self about what they say or do.