SOCIOL 1Z03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Class Discrimination, Social Stratification, Social Mobility

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SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Social class a group who share a similar relationship to labor and the means of production and who are aware of their conflict: based on birth and achievements in life. Social status - an individual"s position within the class structure. Class structure - societies economic hierarchy that categorizes groups of people based on their socioeconomic status. Meritocracy - society in which resources are distributed fairly on the basis of merit (people achieve what they deserve) Social mobility - the reality that very few people are able to move out of the social class into which they were born (comparing child to parent"s status) Intergenerational mobility - a comparison of adult children"s social class to their parents. Intragenerational mobility - status movement throughout one"s lifetime. Social inequality - occurs when attributes (gender, race) affect a person"s access to socially valued resources.