SOCIOL 1Z03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: David Reimer, Symbolic Interactionism, Public Sphere

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SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
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Your sex depends on weather you were born with a distinct male or female genitalia. The chromosome pattern xx = female and xy = male. Females have more estrogen hormones and males have more androgens. However, gender is uid and may be different than ones sex. Gender is about one"s feeling, attitude and behaviour towards being male or female. The gender that one feels they belong to is known as their gender identity. Males are generally expected to act tough and not let out their emotions whereas for girls letting out emotions is acceptable but, they are seen as a weaker sex. These opinions were very strong in the 1960"s and still are today just to a lesser extent. Most people believe in heteronormativity, that ones biological sex should align with their gender identity. This is because gender is uid and just because a child knows their biological sex, does not mean their gender will match.