SOCIOL 1Z03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Sociological Imagination, Macrosociology, Microsociology

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SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Sociology is the systematic study of human groups and their interactions. Sociological perspective refers to the unique way in which sociologists see our world and can dissect the dynamic relationships between individuals and the larger social network in which we all live. Macrosociology refers to attempting to understand society as a whole: e. g. class structure, education system. Microsociology refers to attempting to understand individual or small group dynamics. Engaging your sociological imagination: our perception of ourselves and others are the products of many factors, for example, minority status, gender, socioeconomic status, family structure, urban-rural differences. This reinforces the principle that healthy competition between individuals is a good thing. Functionalism: social world is a dynamic system of interrelated and interdependent parts, social structures exist to help people fulfill their wants and desires, human society is similar to an organism, when it fails to work together the.