SOCIOL 1Z03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
SOCIOL 1Z03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Systematic study of human groups and their interactions. Refers to the way sociologists see our world. Dissect dynamic relationships between individuals and the larger social network in which we live. Refers to attempting to understand society as a whole. Refers to attempting to understand individual or group dynamics. Developing an appreciation of how individual challenges are influence by larger social forces. Understand how these personal troubles can lead to larger issues is key. Quality of mind refers to one"s ability to look beyond personal circumstance and rather social context. Seeing the general in the particular: the ability to look at unique events and then recognizing the larger features involved. Ex. seeing a homeless person on the street and recognizing their situation. Think about what is familiar and what is strange. The idea that each of us has the ability to alter our socially constructed lives (to some extent)