SOCIOL 1A06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Miscegenation, Richard Herrnstein, Risk Society

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C h a p t e r 1. Using our sociological imagination allows us to make the familiar strange or to question habits or customs that seem natural to us. We all contribute to one another"s social identity, which can also be thought of as a grand narrative constructed of many individual stories. T h e s o c i o l o g y o f s o c i o l o g y: the french scholar auguste comte, founder of what he called social physics or. Sociology focuses on making comparisons across cases to find patterns and create hypotheses about how societies work now or in the past. Sociology looks at how individuals interact with one another as well as at how groups, small and large, interact with one another. History and anthropology tend to focus more on particular circumstances, though in cultural anthropology in particular, there can be a lot of overlap with sociology.