SOCIOL 1A06 Study Guide - Final Guide: Edge City, Siq, Malvina Reynolds

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Race & ethnicity as socially constructed, achieved statuses & biological myth. Objective definition of ethnicity: ethnicity as fixed & static i. e. language, culture, customs etc. Subjective definition of ethnicity: ethnicity is self-defined by individuals who may identify as being part of a cultural group or not i. e. being canadian . 3 forms: based on racist ideas (japanese placed in camps during war) Institutional practices that were originally racist but no longer are (mexican & Caribbean"s only being allowed to work in the summer) Institutions that unintentionally restrict the chances of certain groups (racial profiling) New racism: racism has taken on new forms (cultural differences opposed to biological differences) i. e. unequal treatment, Concept developed by peggy mcintosh feminist & anti-racist scholar. Black men (economic outcomes suggest persistent discrimination) Recent immigrants (poorer outcomes as compared to earlier waves of immigrants) Social psychology: frustration-aggression theory, frustration over blocked opportunities leads to racism against racial & ethnic minorities.