SFWRENG 3A04 Study Guide - Final Guide: Composite Structure Diagram, Software Architecture, User Interface

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So if you have better info feel free to add it. It is a combination of subjective and objective aspects. When it is mostly subjective it is a rigorous form of art (e. g. graphical interfaces). When it is mostly objective it is a mathematical transformation (e. g. dfas). In general, design is the reconciliation between conflicting needs and environmental constraints. Good design: reduces risks in software production, coordinates development, makes the system traceable, and helps the quality of the product. Software architecture is the blueprint of a large/complex software system. Families of architecture that have similar choices are called architecture style, representing: element arrangement, connections and interactions between elements, control transfer among elements, constraints and behaviours of data transfer, and quality trade-offs. Software requirement specification document, which covers functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements: actions the product must carry out to exist. Ex: shall maintain a log of past accesses.