RELIGST 2WW3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 35 pages long!)

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Our bodies are used for communication and expression. We use our bodies to experience the world. Aesthetics: how we present ourselves, to others. *diseases of affluence, diseases attributed to upper middle class. Why is it that we neglect our health as a society: If you have to use an alarm to get up you aren"t getting enough sleep regularly. Quick result society: don"t have an eye for what is going to be good down the. Don"t need to be preventative because we have the technology to deal with it. Priorities: may want to do other things, other things may be valued higher. Laziness to very rigid 9-5 lifestyle/schedule line, want instant gratification after the fact. Hospitals were for those who were of lower economic status, those that were more affluent were treated at home. Influence of religion on the experience of illness. Influence of religion on the expectations of healing/healthcare. Religion has impacted the cultural expectations of health/beauty.