[RELIGST 2HH3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 35 pages long Study Guide!

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There is a crisis in galatia that paul is responding to: virtually the whole letter is a response to this crisis. The issue of whether or not these galatians (gentiles) need to be circumcised or not: paul thought not but other followers of jesus have gone to the churches of. Galatia and preached otherwise: suggesting that they need to be circumcised. Why were they saying this: all the earliest followers of christ were jews, also believed that the descendants of abraham were god"s descendants; were suppose to observe the law. Early followers of christ were jews like other jews and keep the laws of moses, but believes in the messiah. Do away with judaism completely: regarded the god of the old testament and thought of the creation as a mistake but that jesus was of a different deity. Middle position: accepts old testament and history of israel, god"s covenant(still.