PSYCH 4Y03- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Hormone: substance released into the bloodstream that communicates with receptors at distant site(s) Neurotransmitter: substance released into the synapse when a presynaptic neuron fires, then picked up by a receptor on the dendritic membrane of the postsynaptic neuron, affecting the probability that it will fire. Can excite or inhibit firing of the postsynaptic neuron. Neuromodulator: a transmitter that affects multiple neurons, unlike a conventional neurotransmitter (each single presynaptic neuron affects one postsynaptic neuron). Pheromone: a chemical that is emitted (excreted) by an individual that affects the physiology/behaviour of another member of its species. Blood (hormones), csf (melatonin & pituitary hormones release into both) Barriers (blood-brain, placental) adrenaline doesn"t cross either of these. Location, function (not concentrated equally in body: steroids tend to have higher concentration of receptors in the reproductive organs. & certain parts of brain (not the cerebral cortex or cerebellum but limbic system)