PSYCH 3M03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Endocrine System, Nonverbal Communication

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Survival: thirst, hunger, elimination, temperature regulation, pain and escape behaviour, fear and avoidance. Avoidance of events that may injure or kill you or your kin (e. g. if you don"t fulfill hunger you will starve and die) Suicide seemingly is the exception however it might be an adaptive mechanism. Reproduction: courtship, sexual behaviour, pregnancy and nursing, nurturance and offspring, favouring kin. Innate; does not emerge at birth but instead at puberty. Choosing not to reproduce seems like an exception (e. g. birth control evolutionary lag explains this) Competition: threat and aggression, territoriality and dominance o o: humans are high quality. Gene (promotes survival and reproduction) gene (passed on to future generations) Gene (fails to produce survival and reproduction) x gene is gone. Individual gene (helps kin survival and reproduce but may not support individual"s survival and reproduction) An evolutionary process by which genes replicate indirectly, via expression that promotes reproduction of kin bearing copies of the gene.