PSYCH 3GG3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Paternal Care, Parental Investment, Parenting Styles

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Parent tries to optimize reproductive success by allocating parental investment in the context of the ecological conditions. Example: hazda: more resources therefore have more children, more interaction with. 1 children, children not expected to work until later age, shorter birth intervals (bc have enough resources for another child), and there is less paternal investment! !kung: less resources therefore less children, less interaction with children, children expected to work earlier, however children dependent on parents for food and water (!kung parents are intolerant to child taking risks), also have longer birth intervals. !kung (less resources: number of children, birth intervals, work load, investment, etc. Looks at how individuals allocate their finite supply of resources to: growth, activity, reproduction, mating. If not already a parent, they would invest more time in pursuing new mates. If is a parent, would invest their time in parenting/investing in offspring and that mate"s children.