PSYCH 3F03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Behaviour, Phenotypic Plasticity, Phenotype

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Evolution before darwin: lamarkian evolution, a natural tendency for organisms to advance to higher forms (a giraffe"s neck lengthening so they can reach the tall trees, inheritance of developed characteristics peppered moth, process of acquiring characteristics. Issues with this theory: violates natural fallacy, different organisms are specialized for different environments. Darwin"s theory of sexual selection: mate competition, peacock feathers, a mode natural selection in relation to sex. The ethology movement the study of behaviour: applying evolution to behaviour, lorenz: study of imprinting. Ethology: two levels of analysis, proximate: the mechanisms underlying a behaviour (physiology, hormones, genes) (how, ultimate: the adaptive explanation of a behaviour (why) Tinbergen"s four questions of behaviour: causation (mechanism) Broca"s area: language production: mechanism explanation responsible for language, development (ontogeny) Critical periods for learning language: function (adaption) How behaviour influences the individual ability to survive and reproduce. Dominate males get to reproduce during mating season. Evolved to be super aggressive: evolution (phylogeny)