PSYCH 3F03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Academic Dishonesty, Mate Choice, Sperm Competition

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All students at mcmaster university are expected to exhibit honesty and use ethical behaviour in all aspects of the learning process. Academic credentials you earn are rooted in principles of honesty and academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various types of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic integrity policy, located at http://www. mcmaster. ca/academicintegrity. In signing these forms you indicate that you understand the policy indicated above and have adhered to its requirements. Any cases of plagiarism or cheating will be treated with the seriousness they deserve. If you have any questions about infringement of the policy, you should contact one of the instructors of the course. 3f03 evolution & human behaviour; 2015; term 1; midterm 1 version 1.