PSYCH 3CB3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Carl Hovland, Behaviorism

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Bases of source influence: not relevant to attitude change, outcome control (reward and punishment, employers solicit campaign contributions from employees. Instructors influence essay positions: coercion, use of threat of force (false confessions, stockholm syndrome, legitimate authority, government or employer makes demands that must be met, relevant to attitude change, expertise: Why sleeper effect: forgetting of discounting cue information, dissociation of cue information from message content, differential cue/content decay, with cue decaying faster. Other source variables: attractiveness, likeability, distant figures made more likeable through blunder. Message variables: negative vs positive information, fear appeals, argument quality and quantity, one- vs two-sided messages, message-attitude discrepancy. Explicit conclusions: explicit better when, audience relatively unintelligent, favour message position, implicit better when, audience relatively intelligent, opposed message position, attitude-message discrepancy, inverted u-shaped function, persuasion increases with discrepancy, then decreases. Audience variables: anticipating communication, less attitude change when audience knows message coming, unless interaction with communicator expected, age, younger and older more persuadable.