PSYCH 3BA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Chage And Aska, Peak Experience

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Positive psychology: how to live the good life: hedonic view: good life is personal pleasure and happiness. Eudaemonic view: good life is personal pleasure and harmonious relationships with others. Abnormal psychology: what causes individuals distress and dysfunction. Seligman argued that psychology has three main missions: Curing mental illness: helping people lead more productive and fulfilling lives. Satisfactory life is one capable of love and work: goal is self-development/ actualization, many archetypes built in. Humanism: maslow: talked about the self-actualizing person. Rogers: the fully functioning person leading to the good life. Eric fromm: human development produced in 3 orientations: biophila, love for humanity and nature, independence + freedom: viktor frankl: we discover the meaning of life in 3 ways: Both see the world as a place of suffering and unhappiness. Aristotle and the good life (eudaimonia: happiness is self-sufficient and cannot be improved. The function of a human is the active life of exercising the rational capacity.