PSYCH 2C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Illusory Correlation, Group Conflict, Random Assignment

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You intend harm as a result against some people, harm is physical or emotional or both. Ex) how long, how many times do they press the shock generator? (physical harm) Ex2) as a result of aggression by some person, she killed herself (emotional harm) Gender differences evolutionary perspective: large gender differences in physical aggression. Homicide rates comparing men vs. men/ women women - men are far more likely to engage in homicide than women. Men 40 times (huge) more likely to engages in same sex homicide. Due to gender differences in reproductive biology; mating" reproductive success, you live to reproduce. Different mating strategy: man (quantity): replenish-able sperms, easy, lower investment. Woman (quality): expensive investment, lactating you are forced to spent your life time for having a baby => therefore, woman are quite choosy. Man engage in competition for choosy mates: winner usually gets female (non-human)