PSYCH 2C03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, Kolmogorov Space

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4 components of persuasion: source, target, message, medium. Nonverbal cues: mullen et al. (1986, emotions of anchormen and voting federal elections, brokaw = 11. 50 v. 11. 21, dan rather = 10. 37 v. 10. 46, peter jennings = 17. 44 v. 13. 38. Nonverbal cues: wells & petty (1980) tuition convincing and head nodding, control = same as before, shaking head = significantly lower (450, nodding head = significantly higher (650) Target message: langer et al. (1978) mindlessness, photocopier, 5 pgs. No reason, good reason, placebo: 5 pgs. Result: no reason = 60, good reason = 90, placebo = 90, 20 pgs. Source + target + message: chaiken (1980, given discussion topics, then questionnaire. Individually interviewed then group discussion (same topic or different) manipulation of relevance of topic. Iv: relevance to target, likability of source, quality of message. Importance of peripheral cue depends on relevance to target: unlikeable communicator = less persuasion. Importance of central cue depends on relevance to target.