PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cathexis, Libido, Oedipus Complex

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Freud"s theories include structural concepts (id/ego) stages of development, and the use of defense mechanisms. Sexual libido = eros main instinct since it"s the instance for pro-creation and species survival. Aggressive libido = thantos (the death libido) no associated energy described by. However, the most common assumption is that libidinal energy serves both eros and thantos creating a strong link between the two instincts. Hedonism: the individual is motivated by the desire to seek or approach pleasure and avoid pain or unpleased. (very basic way of living, can be damaging (in humanist theory) because you don"t seek higher values or experiences in life. The role of the id: the only innate structure present at birth. The phylogenticically primitive part of our brain. (evolutionary theory). Predicate thinking cultivates itself in dreams and fantasies. Objects are the same or interchangeable if they have some similar characteristics. (breasts are interchangeable objects).