PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mental Representation, Cognitive Revolution, Brain

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1 | p s y c h 2 b 3. Nature vs. nurture: this has been an ongoing discussion whether people have developed differently due to how they were raised or whether it was due to their genetic make-up. But now we all know that the answer was both. Which one is done consciously and which ones are not. Nicely illustrate a particular perspective: within each perspective there are different theories and assumptions. They are interesting in and of themselves. 2 | p s y c h 2 b 3. Theories difficult to test: postdictive, not predictive (they are always good at diagnosing when it already happened. But not predicting of what is going to happen next); vague, abstract concepts. Whatever makes for consistency in our behaviour. Whatever is responsible for individual differences in behaviour. It is an invested process to help us makes sense of some set of phenomena in our existence.