PSYCH 2B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reinforcement, Sampling Bias, Incest Taboo

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1 | p s y c h 2 b 3. Hedonism: we do everything in life for one thing: pleasure. This is the energy that powers all of our behaviours including in the sexuality behaviour. Id: when we were born, the psyche (the mental structure) is called the id. The only thing that has contact to the outside world is the memories. It lives by the concept of: you want something, you do it now. the id uses the libido to conjure up images that are associated to past pleasurable experiences. However, it has no sense of cause & effect. It has no sense of time there is no past or future. If you recall when you are five, you are completely controlled by the id. You only do whatever comes up in your mind. If you wanted something, you wanted it at that very moment of time. Moreover, the id could also recognize pleasurable images.