PSYCH 1XX3 Study Guide - Dissociative Identity Disorder, Auditory Hallucination, Avolition

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Document Summary

Literally means split mind, split mental processes (attention, perception, emotion, motivation, thought) not split personality! Around 11% on average in the homeless population! Places a financial burden on the patient, their family, health care system! Usually emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood ! Appears 4 years earlier and is more severe in males than females! Can tell usually if children will develop schizophrenia! Include behavioural excesses or peculiarities, such as hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behaviour, and wild flights or ideas! Presence of behaviours that are not apparent in most people! Delusions is a false belief that tis irrational or maintained despite being unsupported by external evidence! Delusions of grandeur: regarded as beliefs of one"s own self-importance, for instance, thinking that you are the president! Delusions of persecution: beliefs that people are plotting against you! Delusions of being controlled: believing that one"s thoughts are being controlled by radio waves!