PSYCH 1XX3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Blood Sugar, Top Priority, Glycogen

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Eating and drinking is about more than just nutrition, it"s also living. This is true whether you"re eating a burger or a organic tofu burger. During most of the human evolutionary past, food sources were scarce and behaviours were motivated by constant need to obtain energy and nutrients essential to survival. In present context, these evolutionarily driven behaviours may seem out of place in modern societies where calories come easily. Smell is just as important as taste in guiding feeding behaviour. Food doesn"t taste the same without our sense of smell. Feeding behaviours may be motivated by hunger and satiety signals, but are guided to a large extent by interaction of the senses of taste and smell. There are many signals and complex interactions between the brain and digestive system that drive feelings of hunger to consume food and drink and satiety signals which lead you to stop consumption. Blood glucose levels regulate feelings of hunger and satiation.