PSYCH 1XX3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Antipsychotic, Empiricism, Generalised Epilepsy

146 views6 pages
8 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Thoughts and feelings that can be brought to the conscious mind at will. Inaccessible thoughts and feelings, repressed memories, and primitive urges. The mediator between the superego and the id - results in our thoughts and behaviours. Governs behaviour based on internalized societal and parental expectations. Thoughts and feelings from the unconscious must move to the conscious in order for insight to occur. This can be done through multiple methods of analysis. Unsuccessful management of conflicts between these three levels of the psyche are thought to result in unhealthy behaviour and anxiety. Focuses on the internal conflicts and unconscious states of a person"s psyche. The therapist analyzes the patients thoughts and feelings to find the root of symptoms. Psychoanalytic therapy where the therapist takes a more active stance in guiding the patient"s exploration of thoughts and feelings. Focuses on present-day issues as opposed to childhood issues. A specific type of psychodynamic therapy that focuses on a person"s relationships.