PSYCH 1XX3 Final: Module: Audition

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Unit 1: introduction: sound travel, tympanic membrane malleus incus stapes oval window. Sound waves and auditory systems: the auditory system translates sound waves into audition, objects make sound waves, but the auditory system makes audition. Unit 2: the auditory mechanisms of different species. Introduction: auditory mechanisms vary across species depending on needs, whether they live in water, land or air, whether they need to communicate over long distances, whether they need to receive high or low frequencies. Sound frequency: specie vary in the rage of frequencies they can detect, dog whistle doesn"t produce any sounds that is audible to your ears beyond the human sound perception. Sound frequency perception in vertebras: humans 20-20,000hz, whales, dolphins and dogs wider, frogs and birds narrower, fish lower frequency, bat high frequency. The basilar membrane: shortest in amphibians and reptles, longer in birds, longest in mammals, mammals can discriminate widest range, longer membrane = wider rangge.