PSYCH 1XX3 Quiz: Hunger and the Chemical Sense Module Notes

162 views14 pages
20 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Life is dominated by the consumption of food and drink. In human evolutionary past: food sources were scarce, behaviour motivated by constant need to get energy + nutrients essentail to survival. Seems out of place in our modern society. Smell is just as important as taste in guiding feeding behaviours. Feeding behaviours may be motivated by hunger + satiety signals: but are guided quite a lot by the interaction of the senses of taste and smell. Complex interactions between brain and digestive system that drives feeling of hunger: satiety signals tell us when to stop consumption. Blood glucose levels regulate feelings of hunger and satiation. When we fast: we feel hungry because our blood glucose levels are low, glucose helps keep our body functions operating. Glucose > preferred source of energy for the brain: brain cannot use fat energy stores for fuel like other organs, thus regulating glucose availability is a top priority.