PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Mental Disorder, Electric Shock

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Falling outside standard of what other people are doing (thoughts, feelings, behaviors) Exceptions: minority population = not everyone who is different has a disorder (higher / lower. Exceptions: ppl who don"t have distress but who aren"t healthy. Inability to function (disorder prevents person from adapting to environment) Exceptions: extreme support / unhealthy eating danger. Common set of criteria & common language allows to be used btw researchers. Criteria: orientated from within the person (not on situation upset at funeral) Must be involuntary (unable to control actions choice to dress weird for sports games) Categories (axes) groups together of similar symptoms. Explain causes of disorders & how to treat them. Medical / disease model: assumes malfunction in brain. Causes: physical (genetics, nutrition, disease, stress) brain malfunction. Causes: maladaptive attempts of dealing with strong unconscious conflicts. Personal insight (patients understand self & better able to cope with stressors) Classical / instrumental conditioning contingencies (reward, punishment) influence behavior.