PSYCH 1X03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Tylenol (Brand), Mania, Psychoticism

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Document Summary

Bio: physiological mechanisms and factors that underlie thoughts + behaviours. Models: abstract representations of how the mind functions used to explain complex processes. Reductionism: all human behaviour can be reduced to biology of the brain. Functional neuroimaging: what the brain is actually doing. Habituation: repeated exposure resulting in oblivious/indifference to it. Pure cognitive perspective: use models to describe how the brain/mind functions. Developmental psychology: how genetic + environment factors contribute to changes in behaviour across a lifespan. Evolutionary psychology: ^^^same as above but over long ancient periods of time. Sociocultural perspective: how individuals are influenced by culture and interactions with others. Paradigm shift: dramatic change in our way of thinking. Anecdotal evidence: gathered from others or self experience. Within-subjects experimental design: subjects are in control + experimental, exposing them to both to eliminate subject differences. Practice effect: performance increases over time because participant has become more experienced (*difficult to tell if this or actual independent variable.