PSYCH 1F03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vocal Tract, Vocal Folds, Phonation

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How mental grammar of each language organize sounds in minds. Strategies that languages use to form meaningful words. The different ways languages combine words to form phrases and sentences. How the meanings of words and sentences are organized in minds. Vocal tract quite open and usually with our vocal fold vibrate. A lot of acoustic energy, they are sonorous. Can go on for a long time. Using articulators to obstruct the vocal tract, either partially or completely. Less air flow from the lungs, sounds have less energy, less sonorous. Some properties of vowels and some of the consonants. Vocal folds unobstructed for glides but shorter and less sonorous than vowels. The peak of sonority that is surrounded by less sonorous sounds. The peak is called the nucleus of a syllable. [w] is a labial- velar approximant, the lips are arounded. Liquids, [l] and [ ] are usually sonorous can sometimes can be the nucleus of a syllable.