POLSCI 3I03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Indirect Election, Direct Election, Nonunion

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Override veto by 2/3 vote in both houses. Nominate: male, white (majority, 45-64 and 65+, ,000-,000, non-union household, republican and independent voters, conservative philosophy, focus on: immigration and terrorism. Clinton supporters: female, african american and hispanic, 18-39 and 30-44, $<50,000, unionized households, democratic, liberal and moderate philosophy, focus on: foreign policy, economy. Little change in political alignments of u. s. religious groups: trump: white born-again evangelical christians and white catholics, clinton: none", hispanic catholics and jews. Republican 70+: government is wasteful and inefficient, blacks who can"t get ahead are responsible, government can"t do more to help needy. 50+: regulation of business does more harm than good, poor people today have it easy, most corporations make a reasonable amount of profit, stricter environmental laws cost jobs. These are all things that less than 50% of democrats agreed with. Recent anti-muslim outbursts in the united states: mosque burnt, acid bomb at school. No longer fringe beliefs: now found in best-sellers, mainstream media, congress.