POLSCI 2I03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Oil Spill, The New York Times, Smog

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Polsci 2i03 exam notes and global governance and the environment. 4 long answer questions (10 marks each) Addition of an essay --> worth 50 marks. So: 50% for parts a/b --- 50% for part c. The essay does have a right/wrong answer. Apply the theory/theories -- both theoretical and empirical. An hour for a/b and an hour for c. Demonstration of knowledge (especially in a/b) in c it is more analysis, argumentation. It helps if you can signpost--identify key scholars and terms (jumps out while marking) What it means in ir terms, where do we go from here. Talking about the fact that increasingly that the environment is a global problem that needs a solution. Sources of pollution may be local, but they do not know political boundaries. What are the root causes and politically how can go about trying to curve these causes. Historically there"s different ways of looking at these issues.