POLSCI 2D03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Responsible Government, Section 33 Of The Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms, Parliamentary System

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Document Summary

Based on all materials - lectures & assigned readings. Overall summary of course to apply material they have learned over the course of the term. Privileged interests, but still in competition & state is neutral. Elite theory - prominence of capitalist class. Public opinion & short term focus in politics. Parliamentary party & gov"t driven although other actors. Rules that govern the space in which political actors can operate. Politics is driven by present & past decisions. Contradiction that is a success - success in terms of our historical accommodation of differences. Historical foundations have ignored indigenous perspectives for a large part of our history - if we ignore that aspect canada is a successful country. French colony & joined it with a british colony - first real empire to colonize/take over existing colony & allow political structures to stay the same - and it worked.