POLSCI 1G06 Midterm: Political%20Science%201G06%202015%20II%20Lecture%2011a%20Hegemony%20overhead.doc

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Political science 1g06 2015 ii lecture 11a hegemony. Recall our lecture on globalization from last semester. One common feature of both periods of time is that the international system was dominated by one state that had an overwhelming advantage in power over all other states. Both eras have states that are hegemonic. Thus we see high levels of international openness during the period of. Britain was the undisputed economic and political power of the 19th. Once britain was the world"s most powerful state it began to push century international system forward a project of free trade. However, once its preponderance began to decline (relatively speaking) the international economy seized up and the international system descended into war. Extending this correlation to the present, high levels of international openness appear to correspond with the american international dominance that began in the mid-20th century.