POLSCI 1AB3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 52 pages long!)

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Politics is not only government, it is much more than that. Politics is broader and larger than just government. Government is an institutional apparatus that makes/regulates/enforces rules to a population. Game theory, way of modelling and predicting how humans will interact given speci c circumstances/assumptions. Government has been based off conquest, not serving the people. Just because government exists, doesn"t mean that we need it. Politics is about power, political science is the study of this power, what brought about this social order, why is it here, etc. Governments rely on power and different types of power to carry out their agenda. In uence (persuasion): social order based on beliefs and convincing people to think the rules are what is right. Authority (right): what most governments strive for. people obey laws not because they want to, because they have to. They think the laws are legitimate and are obedient. Language also plays a very important role in social order structure.