PHILOS 2YY3 Study Guide - Final Guide: False Dilemma, Just War Theory, Noble Eightfold Path

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3 parts including; multiple choice (1 point each), definitions apply in theory and give examples and issues (2 marks), short answer (20 points 4 points each) Ethics and moral philosophy is the systematic attempt to understand how we ought to live. What is morality? (rachels 1-13: how to assess moral reasoning, get the facts straight. Aware of confirmation biases- biases toward facts/reasons that agree with our pre-existing. Experts: apply moral principles to the facts views. Impartiality there are no privileged persons: other people"s welfare is as important as one"s own. Problems with cultural relativism (rachels 14-31; cragg & koggel, 603-609) According to which some cultural practices can be deemed immoral. 19 i. e. china dissent of the government would result death: we can no longer criticize the moral codes of our own society. To determine what is right, we simply check the standards of our society: but it is hard to believe that a society standards are necessarily perfect.